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What does density really mean? Can we accommodate population growth without changing the character of our Town? How does density impact affordability? What might Stratford look like in the future?

To help understand these questions, we can look to modelling and simulations. While models cannot predict the future, they can help us understand what the Town may look like in the years ahead, and how the assumptions and changes we make today can impact the future.

This is your chance to build the future Stratford, and see the impact of your decisions.

Shape Stratford has created two interactive models that you can use to probe these and similar questions. Click below to try your hand at helping to Shape Stratford.

Shape The Future

What could the future of Stratford look like?

See a 3D model of the Town in the future. Choose some planning and development options, then see how the Town may grow as population grows.

Top down image of Stratford model
Shape Your Community

Build your own development

Imagine you can build your own small development. What would you build? And how do your choices impact building costs, which are then passed on to residents? What is your ideal residential development?